10 Health Benefits of using Air Purifier

1. Air Purifiers Remove Triggers for Asthma Attacks You are at a “high priority public health risk” when you are inside your home because that is where the most asthma triggers are found. Such triggers can include dry skin cells, dirt, dust, carbon monoxide, household cleaners, air-freshening sprays, smoke from cooking; paint products, cosmetics, perfumes, and hairsprays. In addition, there may be mold spores or cockroaches in your work environment, both of which are triggers for an asthma attack. New carpets can also present threats as they release fumes If not removed from the air, the particles of these substances can be inhaled and cause wheezing amongst other asthma symptoms. Tiny airborne particles can cause the most damage for those with asthma. Due to this, air purifiers that specifically remove microscopic impurities are ideal in treating asthma. 2. Air Purifiers Eliminate Allergens, Such As Dust and Pet Odor When you inhale dust, pollen, or pet odour, your body ...